Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What is expected this week?

From the week by week expectations linked on the right...

Introduction to Composition
A: Successfully photographed shapes, reflections, light and pattern in an urban or town environment paying particular attention to the shapes you select in the frame and the quality of light on the subject. 6-10 excellent images posted to fotothing account.

Due by Sunday evening...

Photo II, you have committed to a project and we are on the same page... 6-10 images posted to fotothing...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wendy's bottom pic...

I wrote in Wendy's comment area...

"Good seeing on both of these...Take a look at how a little editing on the bottom one can improve the sense of presence by helping to emphasize the focal point..."

Small things go a long way in crafting a final image...

I darkened the wall and vignetted the outer edge...

Week 2

We have a new puppy.  They named him Rex (didn't like the name). It should be spelled Wrecks because that's what he likes to do! He just tears through everything he can find but he's a cutie and possibly the subject of a lot of my future portraits! Here are two of my favorite pictures I have taken of him so far.

Monday, August 27, 2012

My fotothing name


I forgot to put in my previous post my fotothing name (sconsigs).

Thanks again!


Hi All,

My name is Stephanie  Charboneau and I am a senior at Albertus this year (very excited)! 

I work for the Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut and hope to one day be a Probation Officer. 

I have two boys, 6 and 4, who keep me very busy on top of my full-time job.  I have also been married for 7 years.

I look forward to getting more familiar with digital photography and some cool techniques that I may be able to pick up!


Week 2 assignment

I chose these two images because I loved the black and white contrast in the gate picture.  In the color picture I was captured by the contrast of the decaying building with the plant life growing around it.  The contrast got lost converting it to black and white so I kept it in color.
Hi I am currently a senior at Albertus Magnus, majoring in Business. I love taking pictures and in the past many years ago had taken a 35mm photography class. I thought this would be a great way to get back into something I really enjoy doing. I just purchased a new camera, which has challenged me this week. I think I am getting the hang of uploading and posting and look forward to this class.

Week 1 - Introduction

Hello, my name is Casey Meehan.  I am a senior here at Albertus; Digital Photography II being one of the four classes that I have left, before I receive my bachelors in Business Management.  I enjoyed taking my first Digital Photography class a couple Mods ago, which aided me in developing a finer eye for detail, and really allowed me to take an interest in telling a story through photography.  With this class, I hope to further the skills I have developed, and find some more creative ways to photograph.

My fotothing name is: chmeehan

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week 1

Hello classmates, my name is Justin Crowell. I am in my senior year here at Albertus and only have four classes left for my bachelors in computer information systems. Like Catherine, I am a proud new father of a five month old little girl and photography has become a very important part of our lives lately. So for my outlook, I am looking to gain some better knowledge on the tools and functions that my camera preforms along with a better understanding of the editing programs that are used. I look forward to seeing all the creative pictures that everyone comes up with.
My fotothing name is: Jrcrowell7
Hi I am currently a senior at Albertus Magnus, majoring in Business. I love taking pictures and in the past many years ago had taken a 35mm photography class. I thought this would be a great way to get back into something I really enjoy doing. I just purchased a new camera, which has challenged me this week. I think I am getting the hang of uploading and posting and look forward to this class.

Greetings everyone! My name is Catherine Hesbach and I am a part of the digital photography II class. This class couldn’t have come at a better time – I am a proud new mother of an amazing three month old boy named Gabriel.  I took Mod 4/5 off, and I am just returning to work and school, so this class works great for a couple of reasons. First, I love the freedom that the online class gives me – I get to ease back into school and go one night in a blended class and have this one online, so I still get quality time with my new little bean. Secondly, I want to create my portfolio based on intimate family photography with my new family. This is an incredibly special time in our lives and over the next eight weeks I hope to capture the amazing moments we are experiencing and make them lasting memories.  I am really excited to see what awaits on the journey ahead, and look forward to following my classmates as well.


Mr. AR Outlaw, signing in.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

AR335 - Week 1 Assignment - Introduction with Self Portrait

Hi everyone, my name is Dawn and I am a Senior at Albertus and this is one of my last 2 classes that I have to take to receive my Bachelor's Degree in English. Photography has always been an interest of mine and seeing as though I have digital cameras, and Apple products in my home, I figured what a great experience this would be to get acquainted with my products. I am not savvy whatsoever when it comes to photography so I intend to apply myself fully so that I will have the confidence in knowing how to shoot and manipulate the photos that I take. I wish each of you well in this class, and in your future endeavors!

Now let's have some fun!!

My fotothing account name is:


Hey I'm Keshia. This is my first year at Albertus.  I am looking  forward to learning how to use my camera to be more creative.  I am seeking a degree in Sociology.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


My  name is Shabay, I am a third year Communications Major at Albertus.
Theses are my babies showing the love right before i walked down the isle about a year  ago.

I have never owned a camera and i am really looking forward to learning  more about the art of photography.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012


My name is Wendy Memmott and I am a senior at majoring in Healthcare Administration.  I took this class because like the American Express card, I never leave home without my camera.  I have been known to pull over on the side of the road to take a picture.  On a recent sailboat excursion in Maine I almost fell overboard trying to get a different angle of the waves crashing on the bow.  I have 12 year old twin girls, and 5 step-grandkids that keep me busy and keep my camer clicking with all their antics.  Looking forward to expanding my technical knowledge of photography.

Week 1...Intro.

Hey guys. My name is Christina and I am actually in Digital Photography II. I really enjoyed Digital Photography I, so here I am again. I have always liked snapping pictures but I have now taken a deep interest in photography. I am a senior at Albertus and will be graduating in May! I am hoping to focus on portraits for the class but I will be looking at other possibilities.

Here's my fotothing:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Rule of Thirds

'It's not wise to violate rules until you know how to observe them'

- T.S. Eliot, interview with The Paris Review (Issue 21, 1959)

"A number of  'rules of composition' or guidelines exist that we can use to improve our images. The most commonly known ones have been formulated over the centuries by artists working in a variety of visual mediums, from architecture to painting and photography. And while we all know the saying, 'rules were meant to be broken', there's clear benefit to understanding just what it is you're 'breaking' in the first place."

Everyone should take a moment to read this excellent article on using the time honored "rule of thirds" when composing your pictures...

Monday, August 20, 2012

So What's required this week?

So What's required this week? This is true for Digital I and II

-Join the blog and make your first post. This is an autobiographical paragraph
telling us about yourself and what you hope to learn this Mod.

-Post an inventive self portrait. It is important that you are in control of
the camera and that is is not a snapshot someone else took. It doesn't need to
be literal or show all of you... Find a reflecive surface to shoot yourself or
hold the camera out and point back to yourself. Mirrors, pots and pans, glass,
anything shiny will work.

-Sign up for account and post your screen name in your post. You
need to post a picture to fotothing in order for me to add you as a friend...

-Read through the syllabus posted in the upper right hand side of the blog. Read
the week by week expectations also linked there.

-Install your photo editing software... any version of Photoshop is preferred
but you can get by with Picasa from Google.

Digital II students, (Christina, Catherine and Casey). read the Digital II
syllabus. Follow the link to JPG Magazine's themes and review them in terms of
picking a project for yourself. You may find a theme elsewhere as well... Post
three ideas for a term theme that you will work on this mod... I'll help you
narrow it down to just 1.

-Everything is due by Sunday night (Aug. 26th)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 16, 2012

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to the Digital Photography online class.  Digital Photography is a natural to offer as an online class because of the ease in creating and posting your work electronically.  I find eLearning to be cumbersome in general and have decided to publish the course syllabus on my own website,, and run the entire experience using the web, a blog, and a public hosting site.  eLearning currently does not have the capacity to hold the number of images you’ll be posting as part of this class.

Class runs from August 22th until October 12th. All work needs to be completed by then.

There are four elements we need to juggle in order for this to be a successful experience for everyone...

1.  The class syllabus... here are all the assignments and links to readings that you will need to work through the problems for each week of the class. The syllabus is found with this address: or click here.While you are at it, browse around the rest of my site to get to know me better.  I have posted a portfolio of my photography, links for finding galleries and museums online, my teaching philosophy and more. The assignment for each week is posted on it.  Read it carefully and work to incorporate the main idea into your work that week.

2.  The Class Blog.  This is where we will build a sense of community.  It is important to post examples of your work each week as well as comments about your images to accompany the images posted as well as comment on the work of others in the class... you can ask questions to me personally anytime via email, but here is a public place to offer suggestions, ask questions and just generally where we can create a class environment.  Blogger is very easy to post to... the best way to post your images and comments is using Picasa3.
Your grade is based on your posts to the blog and more importantly your portfolio of photographs, illustrating your understanding and completion of the assignment for each week.

 I  have added you to the class blog … you need to respond to the link that sent you in order to become a member of the class blog. Once you are a member, you can post there.  I'd prefer to stay in contact with you via regular email. Please email me at or You may call me at home anytime (up until 9 pm)  if you would like to talk personally or to help solve a technical issue that would be harder via email. It is very important to get all technical issues solved and out of the way at the outset, in the first week.

3.  Picasa3 software that is free from Google and found here  This is a fairly comprehensive image editing and organizing program.  It makes finding, opening, editing, posting to the blog, printing, emailing, etc.... your photographs extremely easy and there isn't the steep learning curve associated with Adobe Photoshop CS6. Photoshop is expensive , ($220 or so for the student price) and hard to learn at first.  If you have Photoshop and enjoy using it then by all means continue to use it.  You will do just fine staying with Picasa3 though.

4.  Image hosting for your whole portfolio.  My online art classes host their portfolio images at from the UK.  It makes posting your assignments a snap and we have the ability to form a group or virtual community as "friends", similar to myspace.  Join up there then send me your screen name so I can add you as a “friend” ... my screen name is jnevins.  Check out the portfolios of previous Mod  students. They are “my friends” to the right of my page.  If you can't figure out how a shot was done, post your question to the blog or email me and I may use it as a post on the blog to the rest of the class. In order for me to add you as a "friend". you need to post a picture to fotothing... any picture will do.

This first week, we must iron out all of the technical issues to be sure that everyone is up to speed.  I have asked for you to post a creative self portrait and to tell us something about yourself.  This is an art course and its primary focus will be on your portfolio as the basis for your assessment.  Study the syllabus to get a sense of what I will be looking for.  Links I have posted to visual images and readings are an important component of the class... I'll be looking at how you are in dialog with the images and ideas linked in the syllabus as a component of your grade.  Also important is that I get a sense of your  spending time at the assignments and are growing in the medium of photography as the course unfolds. Posting your best one or two  images you are creating to the class blog about twice a week is vital to your success in this class.  Use the comment button to respond to your classmates posts.  One of the strong points of using Fotothing is the ability to post comments there as well. The bulk of your work will be posted to fotothing.  I am expecting 7 images per week as the bare minimum… (6 that really fulfill the intent of the assignment and more like 10 would be a better number… this is digital!)

Any comments, suggestions, or observations as to how I can smooth the way for you as we get going will be welcome.  My goal is your success and your feeling that this was well worth your time.

Looking forward to launching this new class!

Best wishes,
