Friday, September 28, 2012

Week 6

As you can see, I really enjoyed my locations this week.  I took a lot of pictures that I love and I couldn't pick which ones to post as favorites! Here are a few!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 5 - Digital Photography II

Ok, I know I've been working with macros, but I had to share these two pictures for week 5.  The sun never fails to provide interesting pictures, especially through trees, clouds, fog, and things like that.  When I was out shooting for the week, I couldn't, I hope you enjoy my selections!  Check out my fotothing for my macros for the week!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 6 Digital Portrait

It was hard for me to find a model for this week's project :-) So I did my own self portraits. This was so fun because I used ortonish, vignette, drop shadows, soft focus, graduated tint with custom colors, warmify and cross-process in these photos.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

This was the hardest assignment, I could not seem to really capture small things or smaller aspects of small things but I managed to get a couple of shots.

This week I was thinking about “Big Things”. I was thinking about things that would be in juxtaposition to him as a little baby. I laid him down with his Daddy’s tie and dress shoes, there is another of him with the addition to our house being built in the background, and then there are a couple of these with his Daddy’s boxing gloves. I have to say the boxing gloves were the best; there were a few that worked out pretty well. This one is my favorite of the week – I call it “Gloved Up”. He just looks like he is concentrating on the fit and the weight of the gloves like a little boxer – although I know he is just working on how to get them into his mouth.

week 5

I took both photos in macro mode on my digital camera.  I was not sure of the distance I needed to be from the objects in macro mode.  I tried to take pictures of flowers and I did not see the spider web in the bottom photo until I uploaded the photos. 

Week 6 Macro Mode shots

I shot these 2 photos using the Macro Mode setting on my camera. I really liked the boost option on the editing software and didn't want to convert either photos because I didn't want to lose any of the details in either plant.

Week 5

These are the two best from my group this week. The top picture is the only one out of my group that I did any type of editing to this week. I played around with Picasa but I felt that the pictures were better natural.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week 5

Here are my favorites this week!...The bottom one is my absolute favorite.

Week 4 - Digital Photography II

Above, are my two favorite shots for week four.  I had ordered a lens filter for my camera, allowing me to get closer to a subject in Macro mode, without having to spend a lot of money for a new lens (thank you for the suggestion, Professor Nevins!).  Anyway, my filter finally came, so I have been experimenting with it.  These are two of my best so far, and I'll probably post an update once I find a garden with some better flowers and other plant life.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 4

Week four

In the top photo the only adjustment made was warmify in Picasa.  The sunlight shined on one area of the rocks.  In the bottom photo the sun was setting and I thought that the clouds were a beautiful color.

This week I am calling “Baby Face”. I wanted to focus on black and white portraits of Gabriel. I think that the shots I captured this week fit in perfectly with my ongoing portfolio of intimate family photography. His eyes are just so wide and his face so expressive I could take pictures of him all day long – but I settle for however long he will let me. I really enjoy using black and white – I am not sure what it is about it, but when all the colors are washed away it seems to become a bit more intimate and emotional for me.

This is my favorite pic of the week. It may be a little bit over exposed in the background but it certainly providers a contrast which I think it helps to draw you to his eyes and mouth.

Week on Shadows and Light in Macro Mode

It was so hard to choose from the photos i took this weekend. The top photo I kept it at a slant because I was able to capture the sun in a way I was able to before. I edited the original colors because it kept the ripples in the water better than I when I tried it in black and white. The bottom photo I used matte and then the cross process tool.

Week 4 Pictures

I have this print at home in full color but once I changed it to black and white it became a more expressive pic.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Week 3 - Digital Photography II

Though I'm trying to work more with the macro environment, I tried to go along with a previous theme of "urban art," and shadows, light, etc.  The above was one of my favorite photos for the week, as I enjoy the lines of the fence, fading out of focus.  The rustic look of the sign also adds an interesting touch to the photo.

 This picture was actually taken somewhat by accident, but I ended up really liking it.  The picture is of a little section of moss that is on a sewer manhole cover.  Though you may not be able to see it because of the size of this picture within the blog, the moss is actually a very complex little plant.  I also like the way the light casts itself inconsistently over the canvas, making a cool web of shadows.

Week 2 Update - Digital Photography II

For my initial week 2 post, I had shared some pictures that I found on the internet, which would act as some inspiration for my own photography endeavors.  Above, I've added one of my own photos that I captured during week 2.  This was one of my favorites, as I think the intricate details of a spider web always prove to be amazing.  The water droplets on the web add a cool effect...

The picture of the candles above was another one of my favorites for week 2.  The flame of a candle is always unique, and I think it's neat the way this photo has been focused - the subject in the forefront not actually being the subject within focus.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week 4

Focusing on late evening/nighttime photography.  Here are my favorites for this week!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The top one my daughter loved as the thermal really showed the shadow effect.  The bottom one is the sun reflecting through my front porch swing.  Had alot of fun with my girls doing this weeks pictures.