Wednesday, August 22, 2012


My name is Wendy Memmott and I am a senior at majoring in Healthcare Administration.  I took this class because like the American Express card, I never leave home without my camera.  I have been known to pull over on the side of the road to take a picture.  On a recent sailboat excursion in Maine I almost fell overboard trying to get a different angle of the waves crashing on the bow.  I have 12 year old twin girls, and 5 step-grandkids that keep me busy and keep my camer clicking with all their antics.  Looking forward to expanding my technical knowledge of photography.


  1. Yea... you did it... the post is successful... I like the inverted take on your self portrait!

  2. Hi Wendy,

    It is a pleasure to meet you. Thanks again for your help!
