Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week on Shadows and Light in Macro Mode

It was so hard to choose from the photos i took this weekend. The top photo I kept it at a slant because I was able to capture the sun in a way I was able to before. I edited the original colors because it kept the ripples in the water better than I when I tried it in black and white. The bottom photo I used matte and then the cross process tool.


  1. Dawn,

    I LOVE the top picture! The capture of detail, lines, light...AWESOME! Great job...

    1. Thank you so much Casey. This class is really helping me to take chances and learn about the features on my camera. You guys are awesome inspirations!

  2. The top one certainly is dramatic in both light and design... well done...

  3. Not macro mode though... macro is very close up photography... like 1 - 3 inches away from your subject...
