Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week 2 - Digital II Photography


I've decided that I will be working with macros for my Digital II portfolio.  I did a little browsing on the internet - through Google and Flickr - to find some inspiration for my work.  The picture you see above (with the citation noted below the photo) was found on Flickr.  Insects will most likely be a portion of my portfolio, as I find it amazing that the camera catches such intense detail that cannot be seen with the naked eye.  Below is, yet another, cool picture I found.  My source was also Flickr, and the citation can be found below the photo as well.

Lastly, there was another picture which caught my eye (haha), which I found via a Google search.  I love this picture because of the close-up detail of the eye itself, but also because of the "story" which is being told via the reflection in the eye.  I've always found reflection to be an interesting edge to the composition of a photo.  The source for this photo can also be found below.  I'll be updating the blog, and my fotothing with my own macro work soon!


  1. Super Casey... nice finds!

    So the next question is how close can you get with the equipment you have? Look in you manual and it should spell it out in terms of mm's or inches...

  2. They are quite good in terms of pushing the envelope...
